CS Bytes

CS Bytes

This series of videos is developed for the EWIG grant. The goal is making resources for educators that are: Please check out the resources in these quick video tutorials.


There are so many tools to get K-2 students started coding. One of them is Octostudio. It is designed to work on mobile devices, which includes iPads. Its very visual, and versatile. Here is a quick example of how it can be used to make a model.


The microbit is one of the most common programmable circuit boards used in education. This quick activity shows how we can use TinkerCAD to test a model of a microbit coded to gather light data.


This tool is used in science for creating models. We have some models and an easy empty starter template here


This language we developed is able to allow you to quickly and easily write AppsScript. You can edit teacherblocks are our website, here.